Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 14, November 22: Pound Cake

Hi guys!

Sorry it's been so long since a post.  I've kept up on the baking, but fallen behind with the posting due to papers, traveling and company for Thanksgiving.

Last week (November 22nd), I tackled pound cake.

Now, I want to tell you a few things about this week and next week's cakes.  1, I'm not a big fan of pound cake, nor coffee cake (next week's cake).  I think that sponge cake and angel food cake are really superior for their absorbency and versatility. 2, I baked both sponge cake and coffee cake because I made a promise to myself that I'd conquer the "normal cakes" alongside the fancy ones.

The recipe for this normal cake came from

Simple as far as they go, but I found it a little backwards from what I'm used to:  eggs and vanilla in one bowl, sugar, flour and rising agents in another and then cream in the butter.  It made mixing a little awkward- I know with pie crusts you cut in the fat after mixing the dry's to make it flaky, but I don't get the rationale for it with the pound cake.

It seemed to take a lot longer to bake than the instructions said.  After an hour the toothpick came out clean

I fed the first one to my little cousins who designed my front porch lighting scheme- pictures to follow.  They said it was really blah and tasted like a plain sugar cookie.  One liked it better once we introduced raspberry preserves and fresh whipped cream to the mix.  I agreed with them.  It's a decent canvas, but it doesn't hold up on it's own.

Next week, I have a special surprise (we'll see how it works)!

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