Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 28, February 28, 2011: Molten Chocolate Cake

What a week, what a week, what a week!

I was on vacation last week- from both work and school.  It was amazing.  I ran four days, I got up early and I got things done around the house that have needed getting done.

Lots of laundry
A little putting together the office

A little enjoying pictures of the cutest person on earth

 A little shoveling
And some breaking in new sneakers

This week's recipe from joyofbaking.com

I like recipes that aren't very fussy.  This sort of falls into both non-fussy and fussy.
It has a deceptively small number of ingredients: sugar, chocolate, vanilla, eggs and butter.

Where it gets fussy and messy is in the preparation.  It needs chopped chocolate melted with butter

It needs buttered and sugared ramekins

The eggs need to be prepared separately...

Then everything folded together...

And it's supposed to be baked right before eating- to get the warm molten goodness...
And you aren't supposed to drop one of the ramekins... but things happen.

The cake was simple and soooo sooo rich.  I couldn't eat a whole 6 oz custard cup full.  I've only actually baked the two above so far and they were delicious.  I sent six wrapped, unbaked home to Ang's  and she baked them for this evening to stunning reviews.  It's tasty, it's impressive looking-- I'll definitely pair it with vanilla ice cream or raspberries next time... it's needed something to stand up with it (if that makes sense).  A reason it may have been too rich is that I had unsweetened chocolate and instead of reading how to do the substitution appropriately, I threw in the whole 12 oz of chocolate and then added sugar to compensate- the magic formula is to use a half an oz of unsweetened with a tbs of sugar for every oz of bitter or semi sweet required... I'll pay attention to that next time.

I'm taking the pass and we're onto either tiramisu or hummingbird cake next-- I have everything for both, except for the marscapone... the joys of living in a small town.

Be Well-- 28 more days!

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